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Wed, 02/01/2012 - 07:14
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President Inaugurates Hispan TV, Says Media Must Bridge Int'l Gap

Tehran, Feb 1, IRNA - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that mass media play an effective role in encouraging collective cooperation for progress, justice and welfare in the international community. The President told a ceremony to inaugurate Spanish language channel, Hispan TV, that the channel would work as a tribune for brave and intellectual people. President Ahmadinejad said in his speech broadcast live on national TV that all human beings and nations need peace, security, freedom, progress and welfare and that the goals would be achieved through cooperation, communication and collective efforts. Peace, welfare and security would be available under the umbrella of justice and freedom, adding that restoring justice needs collective efforts and endeavors so that the media must work to bridge the gap between the human beings and nations, said the President. He added that mass media bring world people together hand-in-hand in the struggle for freedom and justice. 'Under the current circumstances in the world, a selfish and bullying minority has attempted to impose its will on the entire world. The nations are in need of consultations and exchange of views to safeguard their fundamental rights,' President Ahmadinejad said. He hoped that the TV channel would be a tribune for the independent Latin America and Caribbean nations. 'Viva la Paz! Viva el Pueblo! Viva America Latina!,' President Ahmadinejad said in Spanish language at the end of his speech./end