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Mon, 10/19/2020 - 00:33
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Qatar Museums "Fannek" Initiative Celebrates Qatars Public Art Scene

Doha, October 18 (QNA) - Qatar Museums (QM) will host Fannek, a month-long public art initiative that provides a gateway for the museums Culture Pass members to explore the countrys public art scene through tours, talks and workshops. Throughout the month of November, Culture Pass members can look forward to a host of informative and culturally stimulating events that will introduce them to the many public artworks and artists who have contributed to Qatars vibrant public art scene. These include a tour of the Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) Park on November 7, which is home to some of Dohas first public artworks commissioned by QM. This tour will give guests the chance to experience Richard Serras famous 7 overlooking Dohas skyline as well as an interactive artwork entitled Folded Extracted Personified inspired by MIAs collection by British artist, Liam Gillick. The month-long drive also features a public art tour of the National Museum of Qatar on November 21, spanning both its outdoor and indoor spaces with focus on artworks such Jean-Michel Othoniels fountain sculptures Alfa and Sheikh Hassan bin Mohammed al-Thanis Motherland, representing the regions last generation of women who wore the battoula. A trip to Zekreet on November 14 invites Culture Pass members to explore East-West/West-East by renowned artist, Richard Serra. The installation spans over a kilometre in length and crosses the peninsula of the Brouq Nature Reserve connecting the waters of the Gulf. Meanwhile, on November 28, QM invites Culture Pass members to meet some of the artists who have collaborated in rejuvenating some of the citys shared urban spaces as part of the Jedariart initiative an open call that invited artists to activate Dohas city walls with public art pieces. The tour provides a chance to experience Dohas new urban surroundings against the citys traditional backdrop at the Fire Station. "Our annual Fannek initiative is dedicated to highlighting the importance of public art in humanising urban spaces and sparking constructive debate on topical issues of global relevance. Our Culture Pass members can look forward to a host of tours and workshops that will showcase the striking public art installations that weave together the countrys past and present while imagining its future," QMs Public Art Department acting director Eng. Abdulrahman Ahmad Al Ishaq said in a press statement. The Culture Pass was launched by Qatar Museums to explore the Qatari culture and heritage. The program allows members to attend tours, lectures and art exhibitions, whether local, regional or international. (QNA)