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Sat, 06/01/2019 - 12:50
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Quds Day indication of commitment to Imam Khomeini remarks

Beirut, June 1, IRNA – Lebanese Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mahmoud Qamati said Quds Day rallies indicates compliance with Founder of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini's remarks who said Quds belongs to all Muslims. Speaking to IRNA, Qamati said despite the fact that Palestinians have some differences due to the current situation they are now united to stand against the 'Deal of Century' conspiracy. He added that Quds Day is to emphasize compliance with Palestine and Quds. The US together with some reactionary Arab states and under the support of Israel are trying to change Iran's image from a friend to enemy of Arab countries and to pretend Israel as a friend. Iran stresses its rights to support Resistance and freedom of Palestine. Elaborating on the US threats against Iran, he said Iranian officials' resistance made US retreat. While the Zionist regime is implementing conspiracy against regional countries namely Iran by supporting the inhumane movement in the United States, Iranians attendance in Quds Day rallies is a firm defense of territorial integrity and national solidarity which will result in reinforcing national security. The enemies of Palestine and Quds tried over the past year to raid the holy city and recognize it as the capital of aggressors, President Rouhani said earlier while referring to the recognition of the city as capital of the Zionist regime by some states, including the US. Follow us on Twitter @IrnaEnglish