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Sun, 04/07/2013 - 08:10
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Russia: Iran, 5+1 negotiation constructive

Moscow, April 7, IRNA -- Russiaˈs Deputy Foreign Minister and senior negotiator in nuclear issue Sergei Ryabkov said that Iran and Group 5+1 in Almaty II meeting concentrated their attention on main issues and the negotiations were constructive. Russian News Agency ˈRia-Novostiˈ quoted Ryabkov as saying on Saturday that Iran and Group 5+1 in Almaty got in details of what they had talked about in their previous round of talks in the same city on February 26-27, 2013. He said that talks were very intensive and the two sides got into details and concentrated on the main issues, which is a serious result. But it is still hard to find common points between the two sides, Ryabkov continued. He said that Group 5+1 proposals to solve Iranˈs nuclear issue included a collection of steps upon the presented proposals in Baghdad meeting. The Russian senior diplomat added,ˈWe realize the fact that as we get closer to our targets, making decisions could be more difficult, so Iˈm not willing to exaggerate lack of finding a method in todayˈs meeting.ˈ Concerning Iranˈs stances on the issue, Ryabkov said that they are completely clear and constructive. Iran and Group 5+1 held a 2-day meeting in Almaty, capital of Kazakhstan, on Friday and Saturday and the Iranian side presented its viewpoints on G5+1 package of proposals to them. Head of Iranian delegation in this round of talks was Saeed Jalili, Iranˈs Secretary of Supreme National Security Council, and Catherine Ashton, EU Chief of Foreign Policy, headed the other side.