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Mon, 06/24/2013 - 12:13
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Smog Worsening In Riau's Dumai With PSI Reaching 831

Dumai, Riau Province, June 24 (Antara) - The smog pollution in Dumai City of Riau Province Monday morning increased with its Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) rising to 831 that triggered the declining of air quality in the city. "The government has urged people to maintain their health by using face mask, reducing outdoor activities, drinking more mineral water and consuming enough fruits," said Chief of Health Sub-official of Dumai Marjoko Santoso in an interview with Antara here ob Monday. He said the smog pollutant, as a cause of forest fire in Riau Province, can be very dangerous for health if human breathe the pollutant without using mask. The air pollutant temperature level was measured by the ISPU equipment of PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) and has been announced to health officials and several mass media. "The smog condition is still in dangerous level for human health. We warned people to remain alert of the pollutant and use masks if they want to have outdoor activities," Santoso said. He added Dumai Health Office has distributed at least 10 thousand masks to the people to reduce respiratory disease. "The Health Office along with several agencies that concern the people`s health has distributed 10 thousand masks to people on Monday morning. The total face masks that we have distributed reached hundred thousands," Santoso said. The visibility range in Dumai only reached 100 to 150 meters as smog on Monday morning still covered the area. People hope government can handle the forest fires immediately in order to decrease the smog level.