ID :
Wed, 08/15/2012 - 13:57
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Thailand-Chile to cooperate on Agriculture

BANGKOK, August 15 (TNA) - Chile and Thailand have concluded an agreement on bilateral agricultural cooperation, covering mutual technical support on hygienic standards and plant hygiene. The new Chile-Thailand farm accord was inked in Bangkok Wednesday when visiting Chilean Agriculture Minister Luis Mayol Bouchon and his entourage paid a courtesy call on Thai Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Theera Wongsamut. Theera said that the cooperation would lead to further development of the Thai and Chilean farm sectors, through mutual exchanges in agricultural technology and techniques, which would boost more quality farm produce, based on international standards, for both countries. According to the Thai minister, such the new Thai-Chilean cooperation should also boost farm exports of both countries, build up confidence and meet demands of Thai and Chilean consumers and even raise the status of Thai and Chilean agricultural products on the world market. (TNA)