ID :
Thu, 09/12/2013 - 12:28
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Timor Leste's First Lady Receives Indonesian Newsmen

Dili, Timor Leste, Sept 12 (Antara) - Timor Leste`s First Lady Isabel da Costa Ferreira received a delegation of Indonesian newsmen from both print and electronic media on Thursday. She received Indonesian newsmen from Antara News Agency, The Jakarta Post, Media Indonesia, RRI, TVRI, TV One, Metro TV, and Info Public, who had attended a dialogue session at the Indonesia-Timor Leste Journalist Forum on Wednesday. "The journalists provided information on the state of their community, and I will convey this information to the president of Timor Leste," said Isabel, adding that she enjoyed the company of the Indonesian journalists. She expressed hope that the newsmen would report the developments in Timor Leste to both Indonesians and the international community. "We hope the newsmen will visit Timor Leste again to build and strengthen relations between the two countries," noted Isabel. During the four-day visit to Timor Leste, the delegation of Indonesian newsmen was also received by Secretary of Public Communication Neylo Isaac Sarmento for a dialogue session at his office. The journalists from Indonesia also had the opportunity to visit Timor Leste Radio and Television Broadcasting Institution, several offices of Timor Post Daily and Voice of Timor Lorosae, Seroja Heroes Cemetery, Indonesia Cultural Centre, and Christ the King monument on top of Fatucama Hill. This visit proved successful in getting journalists from Indonesia and Timor Leste closer together.