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Thu, 12/01/2011 - 16:23
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Turkey's EU minister says Greek Cypriots should eliminate their caprice in this economic crisis

PRAGUE (A.A) - December 1, 2011 - Turkey's European Union (EU) minister and chief negotiator said on Thursday that the Greek Cypriot administration should leave aside their caprice in such an economic crisis atmosphere. Egemen Bagis said that the Greek Cypriot administration would save at least 30 million Euro if Turkey opened its air space to Greek Cypriot aircraft. "They should get rid of their caprice in such an economic crisis," Bagis told AA correspondent in Prague, Czech Republic. Bagis said Turkey used to open its ports to Greek Cypriot ship until 1987, and it did not mean recognition. "Even if we open our ports in coming days, this does not mean that we recognize that 'semi-state'," he said. Bagis said similarly, if EU member states launched direct trade with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and Luftansa, Air France or British Airways operated direct flights to TRNC's Ercan Airport, this should not be interpreted as a diplomatic recognition but evaluated as a commercial relationship. "Let them send commercial ships and planes to TRNC, and we open our ports to Greek Cypriot ship for commercial purposes," Bagis said.  Bagis said the Greek Cypriots should should put forth radical and reasonable solution proposals instead of returning solution proposals. The minister expressed hope that Greece, as a guarantor state, would put pressure on the Greek Cypriot administration and make recommendations. "We hope that comprehensive peace initiatives, carried out by the United Nations (UN) Secretary General, will bear positive fruit before July 2012 (when the Greek Cypriot administration is set to undertake the rotating presidency of the EU)," Bagis said.  Bagis said, "thus, a reunified Cyprus Republic, based on political equality and representing the entire island, will undertake the rotating EU presidency in July 2012, instead of a state representing half of the island." "Then, we will be pleased to cooperate with that new Cyprus state," Bagis also said. Before arriving in the Czech capital, Bagis held talks with EU executives in Brussels, Belgium. Bagis is expected to meet Czech foreign minister on Friday. (Reporting by Murat Unlu)