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Fri, 03/31/2017 - 08:22
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Universities Urged To Allocate Budget For Research

BOGOR, W Java, March 31 (Antara) - Research, Technology, and Higher Education Minister Mohamad Nasir has urged universities in Indonesia to allocate budget not only for education but also for research. "The universities have three main tasks -- teaching, research, and community service -- and they must allocate budget for teaching as well as research," the minister remarked after opening the Indonesian Experts and Lecturers National Working Meeting at the Pakuan University here on Thursday. Nasir then urged the universities to allocate budget for research, as it will have a positive impact on improving the quality of higher education. He said that without a significant amount of budget, it will be difficult for the lecturers to conduct quality research. However, the minister has not determined the percentage of budget required for conducting research.