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Sun, 11/16/2014 - 09:08
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U.S. tourists in Thailand interrogated after seizure of boxes containing baby parts

BANGKOK, November 16 (TNA) – Police in Bang Pong Pang area of Thailand’s capital city Bangkok apprehended 2 American tourists early Sunday for alleged involvement in delivering three boxes containing baby parts to the United States. Investigation is ongoing after officials were alerted before dawn Sunday by DHL Co. which provides international goods delivery service, that it suspected that boxes it received and meant to be sent to the U.S. would probably contain human parts. Police said the first box reportedly contained a baby head which was cut into half while the second box contained four tattooed pieces of baby skin and the last one contained inside organs which were again contained in transparent glass tube. Police said all the three boxes were addressed to Las Vegas in Nevada, U.S.A. The first box was addressed to Eugene Johnson, while the second one was addressed to R. Jene and the last one to Ryan Edward McPherson. (TNA)