ID :
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 09:49
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Volcanic Earthquakers Of MT Lokon In North Sulawesi Increase

Tomohon, N Sulawesi, Nov 21 (ANTARA) - The volcanic earthquakes and the seismicity of Mount Lokon in Tomohon City, North Sulawesi province have increased, chief of the Volcano Observation Post said. "We have recorded many volcanic earthquakes of Mount Lokon and its seismicity increased since early Wednesday," said Farid Ruskanda Bina, chief of the Volcano Observation Post for the Mount Lokon and Mount Mahawu said here on Wednesday. Meanwhile, Chief of BNPB`s Data and Information Center Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said on Saturday (Oct 6), "Mount Lokon has erupted three times since October 5." Nugroho added that the eruption of Mount Lokon was explosive, as ashes rose 1.500 meters, followed by a burst of incandescent material to a height of 350 meters. He said that the explosions were heard at the observation post of Mount Lokon. "The ashes were blown to the east and the north," Nugroho said, adding an early warning about increased activities on Mount Lokon was released on October 4, 2012. Further, the people living around Mount Lokon have been asked to remain alert, though the volcano`s status is still listed as idle. "The people do not need to be evacuated yet," he said. He also added that the BNPB continues to coordinate with all parties regarding the increased activity of the Mount Lokon. On Sunday (Oct 7) Mount Lokon erupted again at around 02.05 p.m. according to the National Disaster Mitigation Board. The eruption produced loud thumping noises which could be heard from the volcano`s monitoring post about 6 km from the Tompaluan crater, Head of the BPBN Data and Information Center Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said. The volcano spewed glowing lava and volcanic ash which moved in the northeasterly direction, he said. "Right now there are still eruptions but they could not be observed as the volcano was covered by haze," he said. The residents living 2.5 km from the crater should not carry out any activity, he said. The volcano is now being put under the alert status. "Until now there is no need for the residents to flee their homes," he said. Lokon is one of Indonesia`s most active volcanoes and erupts on average every few years.