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Sat, 06/01/2019 - 07:21
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Zarif: Quds not for sale

Tehran, May 31, IRNA – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a message said the Holy Quds is not for sale and no one is able to donate our first Qibla. Unfortunately, a few Arab rulers think that if they follow Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, they will be able to fulfill their ambitions, Zarif wrote in his Twitter account. He added that Netanyahu with his Iron Dome could not protect the Israeli regime. How will he be able to protect Arab rulers?, he asked. Earlier on Friday, Zarif said that Quds belongs to all the Muslims and the Palestinian nation. Today’s message is that Quds cannot be sold, Zarif said, noting that Quds does not belong to the US so as to offer it to the Zionist regime and they cannot make any claim about Quds either. Follow us on Twitter @IrnaEnglish