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Fri, 04/10/2020 - 13:01
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Russian aid delivery to Republika Srpska complete

BELGRADE, April 10. /TASS/. Delivery of Russian humanitarian aid and specialists, who will help fight coronavirus in Republika Srpska, is complete, says Milorad Dodik, Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who personally met the third and the last plane that landed at the Banja Luka airfield. "We have completed this [delivery] operation together. Thanks to everyone who made it happen — not only to the Russians, but also to our people who managed to accept these planes in such short time. This operation aims to perform a thorough disinfection of all objects — first of all, the medical ones — and the public space in all major cities of Republika Srpska. Russian specialists have proven themselves very efficient in similar operations in Italy," Dodik said. According to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Serb leader, Russia will send another, fourth, plane to Republika Srpska. "In 7 to 10 days, another medical plane will arrive, which will deliver drugs, protection gear, and ventilators. We are very grateful to Russia, its people and its president. They reacted [to the call for help] quickly, they respect the Republika Srpska’s existence and they display solidarity with our people," the politician said. On Thursday, Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, in accordance with the order of President Putin, ordered delivery of coronavirus aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Russian Aerospace Forces’ Il-76 planes have delivered 24 servicemen and five specialized vehicles to Republika Srpska (a part of Bosnia and Herzegovina). The aid has been provided in accordance with the request of the Republika Srpska’s authorities. Earlier, Russia sent virologists and other military specialists, as well as special vehicles, to Italy and Serbia. In particular, Russian servicemen conduct decontamination of nursery homes in Italy. In Serbia, Russian medical brigades work in Belgrade, Cuprija, Valjevo, Novi Sad, Nis, Kraguevac and Kikinda. Russian specialists have disinfected hundreds of thousands of square meters of the country’s main medical centers’ area. Read more