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Sun, 10/07/2012 - 10:23
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AIMMM Urges Muslim States To Help End Unjust Sanctions Imposed On Iran

New Delhi, Oct 7, IRNA - All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat (AIMMM), the umbrella body of Indian Muslim organizations, Saturday urged Muslim countries to come forward and help end the unjust sanctions imposed on Iran. “Iran continues to reel under illegal American sanctions which have no UN backing and flout the very bases and foundations of the NPT which allows signatories to develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes and makes it mandatory for existing nuclear powers to help them,” said AIMMM’s leaders in a resolution passed at the meeting in New Delhi, chaired by the National President Zafarul-Islam Khan. The meeting, attended by members, discussed a number of organizational, national and international issues. They noted that the most shrieking voice against Iran’s so-called nuclear program comes from Israel which sits on a pile of around one thousand nuclear warheads and which has failed to sign the NPT and, unlike Iran, does not allow the IAEA to inspect its nuclear facilities. Leaders urged Muslim countries to come forward to end this charade and help end the unjust sanctions imposed on Iran. Touching upon another burning issue of blasphemous Anti-Islam US film that had sparked fury among Muslims around the globe, the AIMMM leaders unreservedly condemned the makers, financiers and supporters of the sacrilegious film. A 14-minute trailer for the video titled “Innocence of Muslims,” was uploaded on the internet depicting Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in a derogatory manner. They wished to remind governments at home and abroad that all freedoms, including the freedom of expression, have their limits. In every such case the golden rule “your freedom ends where my nose begins” applies. No one, in India or abroad, should be allowed to insult religious beliefs and icons held in reverence by others. AIMMM appealed to the Indian government to take the initiative to urge the UNO to make a universal law protecting religions and religious icons from scorn and insult by insane elements who indulge in such crimes in the hope of accelerating the so-called “clash of civilizations”./end