ID :
Mon, 12/09/2013 - 08:46
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Co-op With Iran At All Intl Forums To Continue: N.Korean Dy Speaker

Islamabad, Dec 9, IRNA – The Vice Chairman of the Supreme Peoples Assembly (SPA) of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea on Sunday said that Pyongyang and Tehran share common views on many International issues and North Korea would continue its cooperation with Iran at all forums. Kim Wan Su made the remarks during a meeting with Iran’s Majlis Vice Speaker Seyyed Mohammad Hassan Abutorabi-Fard at the sidelines of 6th plenary session of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA). He thanked Iranian delegation for holding the important meeting, adding that Iran and N. Korea enjoy strong relations. Some Iranian members of the Parliament and Ali Reza Haghighian, Irans Ambassador to Pakistan were also present in the meeting. Kim Wan Su added that both countries have always supported each other at all international forums. He went on to say that Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea has always resisted against the imperialist forces. He added that leaders of N. Korea have always stressed for boosting ties with Iran. The Korean leader said that UK and US are against the progress of N. Korea but the country is giving special attention to its ties with Iran. Abutorabi-Fard on the occasion said that Pyongyang and Tehran share common views on many International issues that is why both countries are very close to each other. He said that history of N. Korea has proved that the country resists the imperialist forces and the hegemony of US in the world. He noted that N. Korea had also supported Iran during the period imposed war. The Iranian Vice Speaker during the meeting said that Iran and N. Korea should enhance their economic cooperation. He said that exchange of high level delegations between Pyongyang and Tehran could help boost economic bilateral ties./end