ID :
Mon, 02/20/2012 - 08:24
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Commander: Iran Produces 90% Of Its Needed Defense Equipment

Tehran, Feb 20, IRNA - - Commander of Civil Defense Organization Gholamreza Jalali said on Sunday Iran manufactures 90 percent of its needed defense equipment. Jalali made the remarks in an interview with reporters on the sidelines of the First National Cyber Defense Conference in Tehran. Jalali said Iran was a mere consumer of foreign-made weapons during the pre-revolution era whereas it now manufacture 90 percent of its needed military hardware. He said 'We cannot use software, hardware or protocols made by our enemies against them, therefore we should have our own indigenized know-how for cyber defense.'. “Iran can make use of its own scientific capabilities based on a national macro-cyber defense plan consisting of four elements of content and social network, defense network, offense and cyber defense industry,' the commander said. Pointing to sanctions imposed on Iran, Jalali expressed hope that such sanctions will lay the foundation for making the country self-sufficient in cyber defense field./end