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Mon, 11/18/2013 - 10:52
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Disinformation Campaign Result Of Disappointment

Tehran, Nov 18, IRNA - The resumption of talks between Iran and P5+1 and the positive, constructive outlook of these talks has faced different reactions in the western political and media circles, leading to waves of both satisfaction and anger. A cursory look at the media reflections of the recent Geneva talks demonstrate that some of the western and Middle Eastern countries do not like the Iranian nuclear issue to culminate in any result through talks and negotiations and hence through the media under their control, they have launched a disinformation campaign against Iran to project a dismal and negative picture of the talks. An example of the recent efforts can be seen in the reactions of the Zionist circles and media as well as some western and Middle Eastern countries that try to project a disappointing picture of talks. As a matter of fact, the strong stance of the Iranian negotiating team vis-à-vis the P5+1 team and their insistence on the national interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran has virtually neutralized the simplistic claims of some western countries that under harsh sanctions, Iran is ready to give advantages to the other side. Western countries imagined that they would be able to bring Iran to its knees through such sanctions and their intensification, but the sanctions practically led to more resistance of Iranian nation and strengthened their ties with the Islamic Republic system, disappointing and defeating the sanctioning parties. The history of past talks also indicate that there has been a correlation between the peak of disappointment of western countries in their encounter with Iran’s rightfulness and rationality in nuclear case and resistance against the sanctions and enhancement of their psychological and media pressures on Tehran. Some western news agencies in their disinformation campaign and media ballyhoo in the past few days have focused on institutions that enjoy the highest degree of people’s confidence in Iran due to their widespread services in the lesser developed or deprived regions. Most of the western media have launched a meaningful effort to orient the news direction towards a specific goal by using the techniques of judgment and by avoiding the statement of realities in order to leave their desired impacts on the audience. As mentioned by our foreign minister, since the sanctions have undoubtedly left no impacts on Iran’s foreign policy, the opponents of the national interests and security spare no efforts to undermine national solidarity and tarnish the image of the institutions that render widespread services in different sectors particularly supplying medicine to the needy patients and confronting the unilateral sanctions against the Iranian nation. Some biased reports prepared by western media outlets about Iranian legal organizations, established after the 1979 Islamic Revolution to shore up the country’s economy, aim to tarnish the image of such bodies and to undermine the Islamic system. A recent report by Reuters about the Headquarters for Executing the Order of the Imam, known as Setad, is an example of how western media try to target the pillars of the Islamic Revolution. Reuters, in its report, used an old tactic which is telling partial truth and strived to introduce Setad, which is an important and charity origination, in a way it intended to. Setad, as a powerful economic and charity foundation, has played a crucial rule in various fields, particularly in elimination of depravation, since it was set up in 1989. In fact it has solved some the problems which could lead to a crisis. Over the past few days, western media, under the influence of the Zionists, launched a massive campaign against an organization which has been actively involved in carrying out many national projects and developing the country’s economic infrastructure. The goal of releasing such false reports about the Setad, established two decades ago, is creating doubt among the people about it and destroying people’s trust in the popular institutions which serve the Islamic Republic. This organization, which functions under the supervising bodies of the country, has played a silent but effective role in removing poverty in less-developed areas across the country through Barakat Foundation Institute. Barakat Foundation Institute, as an economic, social and welfare entity, has started its activities to increase the economic ability and improving entrepreneurship among the less-developed and deprived regions of the country. It is pertinent to mention that Setad has also had an effective role in decreasing the inhumane effects of sanctions imposed on the nation and reducing their pressure on vulnerable strata by supplying the fundamental needs of the country—a move that provoked the western media to launch a disinformation campaign against it by using baseless and false information. It should be borne in mind that there are similar institutions with similar functions in all countries across the world, but the western countries have targeted this institution at this juncture, inculcating doubt regarding its activities. It is easily discernible that Iran’s national interests and security are the ultimate target of those behind the disinformation campaign. This institution and any other institution that plays a role in protecting national security and interests of the sacred Islamic Republic system will be the target of the opponents of the national interests of the Iranian nation./end