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Thu, 12/03/2015 - 11:56
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Efforts of one country not enough to defeat international terrorism - Putin

MOSCOW, December 3./TASS/. Efforts of just one country were not enough to defeat international terrorism, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday. "It is impossible to defeat international terrorism through efforts of just one country," Putin said in his state of the nation address on Thursday. "Especially in conditions when the borders in the world are practically open, and the world is going through a new resettlement of peoples," he added. According to the president, exacerbating the situation was financial support the terrorists were getting. "The threat of terrorism is growing. The problem of Afghanistan has not been settled yet. The situation in that country is alarming and does not invite optimism," the president said. "Stable and by the way quite prosperous until recently countries of the Middle East and North Africa - Iraq, Libya, Syria, have turned into a zone of chaos and anarchy, from which a threat to the whole world comes," he said. Putin said the fight against terrorism was the fight for freedom and justice, for the lives of the people and the future of the whole civilization. "We know what the aggression of international terrorism means," he reminded the audience. "Russia faced it in the middle of the 1990s, and our country, its citizens saw cruel terrorist attacks," he added. Acts of terror in Russia have already claimed the lives of thousands, and "this is the pain that will stay with us forever," he said. "It took almost 10 years to chine the bandits," Putin continued. "We have practically squeezed terrorists from Russia. But we are still waging an uncompromising fight against the remaining bandits," he added. Read more