ID :
Thu, 03/07/2013 - 10:23
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Experts Assembly Members Renew Allegiance To Late Imam

Shahr-e Rey, March 7, IRNA – Members of the Experts Assembly renewed allegiance to the late Founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini on Thursday. They visited the mausoleum of the late Imam in south of the capital and laid a wreath on his tomb. Speaking in the ceremony, President of the Assembly Ayatollah Mohammadreza Mahdavi Kani said the path of the Late Imam was always open before the Iranian nation as a clear guidance and hoped the Assembly members would always remain as true followers. He also said the members of the Assembly visit the tomb of the Late Imam every year to express their gratitude to him for reviving the sublime values of the Holy Islam and giving a fresh life to all freedom-seeking nations worldwide. The ayatollah also highlighted the need for the Experts Assembly to fulfill its duties and said the ultimate goal of the body is to safeguard the leadership of the country./end