ID :
Wed, 02/08/2017 - 09:15
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FM condemns Knesset Jewish settlement act

TEHRAN, Feb. 08 (MNA) – Foreign Ministry spokesperson has condemned approval of an act in the Israeli Knesset which extends illegal Jewish settlements to the Palestinian lands in the West Bank. Mr. Bahram Ghasemi was officially responding to the act on Tuesday address where he denounced the measure as a step forward the full Judaization of the Palestinian lands west of the River Jordan and as a severe barrier in the way of finding stability and peace in the region; “it also violates the rights of the Palestinians in deciding their own political future as an internationally recognized convention; it is against all conventions of the international community and the Islamic Republic of Iran urges the UN to take immediate measures to oppose the Zionist expansionist policies and to restore the right of the Palestinians to protect their territories,” he told the press. “The extending settlements will definitely exacerbate already tense situation in the Middle East; the collective conscience of the world should not remain silent in the face of the brazen acts of the Zionism,” Ghasemi concluded.