ID :
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 19:48
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Geagea in interview to LF electronic website: January 18 date blessed day

NNA - Lebanese Forces (LF) leader Samir Geagea deemed the date January 18, 2016, a historic, blessed moment reinstating whole constitutional, international and institutional elements and bringing political life back to normal. "Political life returned to normal due to Meerab understanding... and I'm optimistic about the future," Geagea said on Thursday in an interview to "al-Njawa-Massira" Magazine and Lebanese Forces electronic website. Geagea also saw that the forthcoming parliamentary elections shall contribute to the improvement of the Christian representation to a large extent, ruling out the extension of the mandate of the current Parliament. The LF leader categorically affirmed that "there's no absolute return to 1960 law." Geagea considered that all the currently proposed election laws are prone for discussion, anticipating that such discussion will last about two or three weeks, "given that some laws constitute common denominators amongst all parties." On a likely rapprochement between "Hezbollah" and the "Lebanese Forces", Geagea said that they see a positive climate via media, indicating that there is hostility between Hezbollah and the LF but rather difference in viewpoints over the rise of the state. ====================