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Sat, 10/27/2012 - 09:42
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Imperialist Powers Trying To Divert Islamic Movements : Pakistan MP

Islamabad, Oct 27, IRNA -- A Pakistani parliamentarian said here Friday imperialist powers are trying to divert Islamic movements in Arab world from their original paths. Talking to IRNA Senator Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) said confidently that conspiracy to divide Muslim Ummah will fail. The retired colonel, turned politician, who was commenting on the message of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei to Hajj pilgrims, said that uprising movements in Arab world are a great opportunity for Muslims to get away with the western backed dictatorships. He was of the view that emerging leaders of Arab world must make their countries democratic and work for the interest of their own people instead of forwarding western agendas. They must reject the western interests and should not come under the trap of imperialist powers,” advised the Senator. The Supreme Leader has given a timely warning and timely suggestion to Muslims in his message. “Yes there is absolutely no doubt about that the western powers are trying to divert the flood-like movement of Muslim youth and turn them against each other in the name of Islam,” the lawmaker added. He went on to say that they (West) are supporting different groups of Muslim youth to implement their designs. “It is part of a big game which they are playing as a global strategy, we have to remain careful against such conspiracies,” said the Senator. Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi said that US foreign policy is based on Zionism. He said that they are trying to sow the seed of discord among Muslims by promoting Shia- and Sunni-phobia. The parliamentarian said that there is absolutely no problem between Shia and Sunni as they have been living together peacefully for past 1400 years. “Unfortunately the US with the support of Saudi Arabia has started a proxy war against Iran to show to the world that Muslims are not united,” noted the political leader. “They are using Muslims for their own purposes which we have to understand,” he opined. The lawmaker said that in Pakistan they are trying to spread sectarian violence in Karachi, Quetta, Gilgit-Baltistan, they are also behind sectarian violence in Syria also. “It is a game of imperialistic United States,” he warned. Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi to a question said, “Yes Hajj is a great opportunity for Muslims to show their strength and unity.” He added that at Hajj Muslims from different parts of the world belonging to different school of thoughts come and show their unity. The MP said that Islam is an all-embracing religion that teaches and preaches peace. “It is the time for us to redefine ourselves,” he stressed. Expressing his views over the situation in Syria today, he said that the country has become a chessboard of global intrigue. “They (the US and the Zionists) cannot tolerate a strong and stable Syria,” said the politician. The Senator viewed that they are supporting the rebels who lack any specific identity over there which is negation of democracy. “They are disturbing a country for making it fit their own neo-imperialist global designs,” he noted./end