ID :
Sat, 08/03/2013 - 13:02
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Int’l Quds Day Marked In India

New Delhi, Aug 3, IRNA – Hundreds of Muslims in India’s Mumbai city marked the International Quds Day, intended to bring people together regardless of their race, religion or sect to stand up against the injustice perpetrated all over the world. Huge crowd of Muslims under the banner of Quds Committee, took out a procession chanting slogans for the liberation of the holy Quds and the entire Palestine from the illegal Zionists occupation. At the culmination of the procession, the gathering was addressed by the Muslim religious scholars and leaders. They explained the significance of Quds day and called for solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people. They also rejected the hegemony of the United States and Israel and called upon all the freedom loving people of the World to take strong stand against their policies. They also condemned killing of all innocent people around the world and said Islam is the religion of peace. The speakers, meanwhile, praised resistance of Hezbollah against the Zionist regime./end