ID :
Tue, 05/14/2013 - 07:45
Auther :

Iran Backs Mali National Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity

Jeddah, May 14, IRNA – Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi said on Monday that Iran backs Mali national sovereignty and territorial integrity vis-a-vis eruption of crisis in the country. Salehi said in his address to the meeting of the Contact Group of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Mali that rule of law must be restored in Mali to stem bloodshed in the Muslim country. He called for dialog and national reconciliation to be initiated among the parties to resolve the crisis. He welcomed the OIC initiative to help settle regional crises and restore law and order in the African states. In the meantime, Salehi voiced support for efforts of the Economic Community of West African States and the African Union to help settle Mali crisis. Salehi, who has attended the meeting in the capacity of leadership of the Non-Aligned Movement, said that Iran uses all political means as the current president of NAM to settle Mali crisis. He recalled adverse consequences of military intervention of western governments in crises and said military coup and power vacuum in Bamako have contributed to escalation of crisis in Mali and turned into a regional and international crisis. Noting that after victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran has focused foreign diplomacy on expansion of relations with all African states and humanitarian assistance, cultural measures, medical and health services as well as launching educational courses for the African nations. Salehi called for more humanitarian assistance to Mali by the OIC member states, holding elections in all parts of Mali with turnout, and advised Mali officials to avoid confrontation with ethnic groups north of Mali. He said that Iran advocates OIC assistance to reconstruction of historical and Islamic sites in Timbuktu. ˈOIC along with officials of the transitional government of Mali , ECOWAS and AU would make arrangements to remove any pretext for continued presence of foreign military forces in Mali.ˈ/end