ID :
Sat, 06/30/2012 - 10:45
Auther :

Iran Envoy Confers With Lebanese Parliament Speaker

Beirut, June 30, IRNA – Iran Ambassador to Beirut conferred with Lebanese parliament speaker and discussed regional developments and bilateral ties and the process of Iran negotiation with Group 5+1 here on Friday. In the meeting, Ghazanfar Roknabadi said that Iran's proposed plan in Moscow talks was a proposal upon international law; it was comprehensive and included all ambiguities and priorities, while G5+1 plan was vague and had weak points, such as being against international law and finally the two sides agreed that experts consider the related issues. Nabih Berri, by referring to domestic Lebanese and regional developments, underlined necessity of avoiding disunity and maintaining solidarity among different Lebanese ethnic groups and said that in current situation Lebanon needs unity more than anything else. The ambassador invited Nabih Berri to attend inauguration ceremony of Iran’s cultural week in Lebanon which will start on July 2, 2012 in the presence of Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Seyed Mohammad Hosseini. He was also invited for ceremony in border zero point between Lebanon and Palestine (Maroon al-Raas) on the anniversary of kidnapping 4 Iranian diplomats./end