ID :
Sun, 03/02/2014 - 14:05
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Iran FM Calls For Enhanced Co-op With Poland

Tehran, March 2, IRNA — Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, in a meeting with his Polish counterpart Radosław Sikorski here on Saturday voiced Tehran’s readiness to expand cooperation with Warsaw in all areas. During the meeting, both foreign ministers called for existing capacities to be used for further promotion of trade and economic cooperation. Referring to longstanding Iran-Poland ties, Zarif said both countries could deepen their cooperation within the framework of Iran-EU relations. Zarif also stressed the significance of parliamentary relations between both countries. He called for cultural relations in different fields, including cultural heritage, radio and television, scientific, research and sport activities, arts and tourism. Sikorski, for his part, said that his country is seeking to boost economic cooperation with Iran. He noted that economic ties between both countries are not keeping up with the excellent political ties. He called for encouraging companies and economic activists to get involved in economic and trade relations between the two nations. Sikorski also underlined the necessity of boosting tourism between Iran and Poland and reconstruction of archeological sites. The two foreign ministers discussed the latest regional and international developments, including the current situation in Ukraine and Syria, Iran’s nuclear issue and negotiations with the P5+1 as well as the situation in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle East. They also talked about upcoming visits to Tehran by Poland’s deputy prime minister and minister of economy./end