ID :
Tue, 04/03/2012 - 11:55
Auther :

Iran FM: Following True Islam, Peoples’ Demand Of Movements’ Leaders

Tehran, April 3, IRNA – Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said peoples of the countries which have joined the trend of the Islamic awakening expect leaders of the Islamic groups to follow the true teachings of Islam. In an interview with IRNA, he stressed that the Islamic nations initiated their uprisings under inspirations by Iran’s revolutionary ideas. He further said that the Islamic awakening in the region comes as the result of regional people’s adhering to the paradigm set by Iran. Stressing that people should be patient to see the fruits of the Islamic awakening trends, he noted that enemies are extremely busy in counties which have already joined the Islamic awakening movement to deviate or slow down the pace of developments. Outlining the most outstanding and impressive developments in the world and the region during the past Iranian year which ended March 19, 2012, the foreign minister pointed to the economic recession in Europe and the public developments in the Islamic countries in northern Africa as the phenomena which left immense impacts on the international situation. Referring to the problems and obstacles created for Iran by the enemies during the past three decades after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Salehi said that Iran’s scientific and cultural achievements are absolutely unique among Islamic countries. He then pointed to the remarks of the Zionist regime's prime minister in the US congress and said that enemies are now targeting the Iranian youth./end