ID :
Sat, 12/29/2012 - 12:29
Auther :

Iran FM Spokesman: Any Military Attacks On Regional Countries In Line With Zionists' Goals

Tehran, Dec 29, IRNA – Visiting Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast announced in Istanbul on Saturday that any military attack on regional countries would serve the Zionist regime interests. Talking to Turkish journalists in Istanbul, Mehmanparast stressed that all regional countries, Iran and Turkey in particular, mull establishing peace and tranquility in the region. Commenting on the possibility of the attacks by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces to Syria, he said any military attack on regional countries would be in line with the Zionist regime goals and put the whole region in danger. The installation of Patriot anti-missile batteries sent by NATO in Turkey aimed at safeguarding Israel, he said. Referring to Iran's six-point proposal to solve the ongoing crisis in Syria, he said halting violence and helping the Syrian people are considered as the main point of the plan. On Iran's military drills in the Persian Gulf and other regions, Mehmanparast emphasized Iran's defense abilities, adding that the presence of foreign troops in the region would endanger the Persian Gulf security. He also cited the imposing of sanctions against Iran because of its nuclear activities as illegal and illogical, adding that Tehran never welcomed any sanctions and always changed challenges to chances./end