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Sun, 02/17/2013 - 10:53
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Iran Maintains Balance Of Power In Region: Religious Leader

Islamabad, Feb 17, IRNA -- Member of Pakistan’s main religious party has said that Iran is an important country of the world and maintaining balance of power in the region. Talking to IRNA, Dr Farid Ahmad Paracha Deputy Secretary General of Jamaat-e-Islami said that presence of foreign forces in Afghanistan is a major threat to the stability of the region. He said that there is no moral or political justification of presence of foreign forces in Afghanistan. “Their presence is a challenge for the regional states,” he said. He expressed deep concern over the loss of precious human lives in Afghanistan. Jamaat-e-Islami leader went on to say that foreign troops are stationing in Afghanistan as part of an international conspiracy to destabilize the Muslim world. Dr Farid Ahmad Paracha expressing his views said that Iran holds a major position in the world. He said that Iran is maintaining balance of power in the region. Religious leader said that Iran is fully aware of its responsibilities towards the Islamic world and is playing a vital role for resolving the issues of Muslim Ummah. He said that Iran is blessed with enormous resources and is always ready to help the oppressed countries of the world. The politician said the unity of Muslim world is the need of hour. He said Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan should further enhance their cooperation and work closely for the stability and security of the region. Dr Farid Ahmad Paracha was of the view that Iran and Pakistan have been enjoying cordial relations for past many years. “They share same culture and religion,” he said. Jamaat-e-Islami leader added that Iran and Pakistan should work together so that no country of the world could create differences between the two brotherly states. Religious leader answering to a question about Iran’s peaceful nuclear capability said that 5+1 group must respect Iran’s nuclear right. He said that nuclear technology is knowledge and every country has the right to attain this knowledge. Dr Farid Ahmad Paracha said that there is no justification of western curbs on Iran’s peaceful nuclear program. He said that western states must stop following the policy of double standards. “How can you stop Iran from developing peaceful nuclear program when you are making nuclear weapons?” he asked the West./end