ID :
Wed, 11/30/2011 - 09:32
Auther :

Iran's Foreign Ministry Statement On Student Protests In Front Of UK Embassy

Tehran, Nov 30, IRNA -- Iran's Foreign Ministry expressed regret over 'unacceptable behavior of certain protestors' in front of UK Embassy in Tehran. A statement by Foreign Ministry released today notes 'Some unacceptable behavior of certain protestors, in spite of efforts by police force and strengthening of Embassy guard, is regrettable.' Foreign Ministry has urged the officials to act immediately in this regard. The statement has stressed that Islamic Republic of Iran respects international rules and regulations and the government of the Islamic republic of Iran is committed to protect diplomatic places and personnel. The statements concludes that the problem is being followed up through relevant officials. A group of students gathered in front of UK Embassy and Qolhak Garden Tuesday afternoon to protest the hostile policies of that country against Iran. Since the beginning of the protests, Police tried its best to control the angry students and confronted those protestors who tried to enter the Embassy and Qolahk Garden. The students ended their gathering after releasing a statement./end