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Mon, 01/16/2017 - 04:16
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Japan Prioritiezes Maritime Cooperation With Indonesia

BOGOR, W Java, Jan 16 (Antara) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has stated that his country is prioritizing maritime cooperation with Indonesia. "As a fellow maritime country, Japan is prioritizing maritime cooperation with Indonesia. Japan is encouraging active cooperation in the field of maritime security with Indonesia (to develop) its remote islands through Indonesia-Japan Maritime Forum set up last December," Abe said in a joint press conference with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the Bogor Presidential Palace on Sunday. Abe arrived in Indonesia on Sunday for a two-day visit. He came to Indonesia, along with 30 CEOs of leading Japanese companies to enhance cooperation in the political, economic, maritime, social and cultural fields. "With regard to the development of Patimban port, we reiterate the direction of Japan-Indonesia joint venture company's policies," Abe said. He said Japan is also interested in investing in the development of infrastructure in Indonesia, including in the transportation and energy sectors. "Japan will cooperate (with Indonesia) in developing railway lines, power plants and so on through the development of high quality infrastructure," he said. Japan will also invest in irrigation networks and coastal conservation projects in Indonesia, he added. "Apart from that, (Japan) will contribute to the development (of infrastructures) in Indonesia. Japan has decided to create business opportunities with a total value of about 74 billion yen (about Rp8.6 trillion) for the irrigation networks and coastal conservation," he said. President Jokowi said Japan is also eager to develop Masela Block in Maluku. "We also have agreed to enhance cooperation in the economic field, including planned cooperation in developing Patimban port; development of Masela Block. We also had initial discussion on the development of Jakarta-Surabaya railway line and the development of marine and fisheries centers in outlying islands in Indonesia," he said.