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Tue, 10/25/2016 - 10:13
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MP calls for JPCOA execution despite US disavowal

TEHRAN, Oct. 25 (MNA) – Senior Iranian MP Alaeddin Boroujerdi said US lack of commitment should not hinder implementation of nuclear deal. Speaking at a meeting with President of French National Assembly Claude Bartolone, Head of Iran’s Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi evaluated the earlier visit of President Rouhani to Paris as positive calling for immediate implementation of more than 35 documents of cooperation between the two countries. The Iranian official, who is leading a parliamentary delegation of Iran in Paris, pointed to the latest developments in Lebanon and expressed hope that the president of the Arab state will be soon elected. Boroujerdi also referred to America’s wrong policies and approached as well as miscalculations of its regional allies in Syria emphasized that these strategies have led to emergence and spread of terrorism. He stressed the need to respect viewpoints of the Syrian nation adding “people of Syria need to decide on their own future and no one has the right to impose subjective policies upon them.” “Continuity of critical conditions in Syria in the region would give way to growth of terrorism,” Boroujerdi underlined. Referring to the situation in Iraq and Syria and deeming the plan drawn up by some countries to change borderlines as critical, the Iranian MP voiced support for territorial integrity of the two Arab states; “within the same framework, Iran will continue efforts to eliminate terrorists and to preserve territorial integrity of Syria and Iraq.” Alaeddin Boroujerdi urged president of French National Assembly to paly active role in putting an end to slaughter of innocent Yemeni people. On Bahrain, the official said torture and slaughter of Bahraini should be prevented and every individual needs to have their own vote. President of French National Assembly Claude Bartolone, for his part, referred to the role played by powerful Iran inside the region saying “cooperation and dialogue with Iran over resolving crises in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon hold great significance.” “Paris has always emphasized the need for a political approach to solving regional crises,” he continued. The French official also recalled his fruitful visit to Tehran earlier this year and the visit with Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani adding “undoubtedly, expansion of parliamentary relations play a key role in deepening and strengthening bilateral ties between Iran and France.” He welcomed the initiative to exchange views on regional issues voicing optimism that the upward trend in boosting of political, economic and cultural ties between the two parties will continue in coming month. Bartolone underscored the need to step up efforts in line with banking collaborations with Iran and removal of existing barriers. He also appreciated Iran’s policy towards religious minorities and the respect the government has towards them. A Parliamentary delegation of Iran comprising Mohammad Mehdi Boroumandi, Seyed Ghasem Jasemi, and Siamak MoreSedegh, the Jewish member of the Parliament and led by Alaeddin Boroujerdi has arrived in Paris on Monday.