ID :
Sun, 06/23/2013 - 12:48
Auther :

Obamaˈs Anti-Syria Remarks, Similar To W. Bush Claims On Iraq: US Ex-congressman

New York, June 23, IRNA – Former Republican Congressman Rom Paul said the US President Barack Obamaˈs remarks on use of chemical weapons by Syrian regime is familiar to ex-president George W. Bushˈs claims on Iraqˈs possession of weapons of mass destruction. On his website, Paul wrote the anti-Syria claims were made at a time that the US intelligence systems confessed they could not confirm the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government. He noted that the anti-Syria propaganda is similar to that of Bush administration which led to Iraq invasion. The White House has recently claimed that since the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against opposition groups, Washington has decided to arm terrorist groups and anti-government forces./end