ID :
Tue, 06/11/2013 - 08:52
Auther :

Path Of Honor, Resistance Will Lead To Victory: Ahmadinejad

Tehran, June 11, IRNA – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday that today Latin American nations have become familiar with the path of Bolivar Revolution which is the path to honor and resistance, adding this path will certainly lead them to victory. He made the remarks in a meeting with new Venezuelan Ambassador to Tehran Amenhotep Zambrano. During the meeting, the ambassador presented his credentials to President Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad hailed good Tehran-Caracas relations, saying the two countries will stand by each other to reach their common goals. ˈOur friendship and brotherhood is beyond diplomatic relations and will continue forever.ˈ Referring to the great character of late Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez and his interest in expanding ties with Iran, the president reiterated that Chavez is always alive and his friends, President Maduro in particular, will continue his way./end