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Wed, 07/18/2012 - 09:01
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President Advisor: Western Countries Behavior In Imposing Sanctions Against Iran, Illegal

Tehran, July 18, IRNA – President Press Advisor Ali Akbar Javanfekr said that using peaceful nuclear energy is Iran’s natural right and western countries behavior in imposing sanctions against Iran is illegal. Javanfekr, in an interview with Russian TV network “ Russia Today”, said, 'We consider sanctions as an opportunity for ourselves, because we have passed such crises in the past.' He continued that Iran’s nuclear program is based upon international laws and Iran, as a member of world community, is committed to its obligations and expects that others recognize Iran’s right concerning nuclear energy. The president advisor, by underlining that westerners should pay attention to consequences of the sanctions, added that they are under economic pressures more than Iran today and they need to buy oil from Iran. 'Our customers are waiting now and we can substitute them easily,' said Javanfekr He added that Iran’s dependence on oil compared with a decade ago has decreased noticeably and now we turn our oil in domestic refineries into oil products and sell them in the world markets. Javanfekr said that enjoying security is a natural right for all nations and we want security for all, but if they threaten security for Iranians, naturally they should not expect we just watch and in that case every defensive act could not be ruled out. Javanfehr said, 'If we cannot use Hormuz Strait for our national economic interests, there is no reason why others should be able to use it.' 'We have a big share in providing security for Hormuz Strait and we want the water way stay secure and calm.' Referring to Iran nuclear negotiation, the president press advisor said that talks should be held in a logical atmosphere. He underlined that negotiations should be followed in a framework of international regulations adding that ways to change the existing situation are completely available, of course, if negotiators wanted to do so, and Iran is ready to continue talks in a logical atmosphere. Western sides have understood the reality that we have always been, and still are, ready for negotiation, but we do not understand why they are following an illogical route. He added that Iran expects a number of member countries of Group 5+1, such as Russia, face with this issue more logically and more realistically. 'Russian can transfer itself from other sides of the table to this side, and in this case, Russia will understand its political weight better.' Javanfekr said that Russian weight in the other side of the table is not clear, and in Russia there are experts that believe China can do the same. Concerning some predictions on possible attack of the Zionist regime against Iran, Javanfekr said that US and Britain would be directly responsible for such maniac action of the Zionist regime against Iran. He called Iranians as an experienced nation that have passed eight years of a horrible war and said that we want security for all, because in case of any event, balance will be lost in the whole region and in that case everybody will lose. Javanfekr added that we are following developments very sensitively and we act upon our responsibility. He concluded that we are pleased that Russia is paying attention to its responsibility on world developments, especially Syrian issue./end