ID :
Tue, 03/05/2013 - 11:10
Auther :

President Ahmadinejad Receives Top Hamas Official

Tehran, March 5, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad here on Tuesday received visiting Deputy Chairman of Hamas politburo Musa Abu Marzuq. During the meeting, President Ahmadinejad said that Quds aspiration has become the common will of all Muslims and freedom-seeker nations across the globe. A glance at the 50 years of Zionists presence in the region indicates that they are on the verge of collapse, he said. Citing liberation of Palestine and the holy Quds as a religious issue, President Ahmadinejad underlined that the Palestine issue is a vital issue for the region and the entire world. He stressed that the regional developments are moving towards fostering support for the aspiration of Palestine liberation, adding the Iranian nation will stand by the oppressed Palestinian nation until they achieve victory. On the latest developments in Syria, the President said the time is ripe for all parties and groups to help solve the existing problems through negotiations and mutual understanding. Abu Marzuq, for his part, said that resistance is the sole way to achieve victory against the Zionist regime. Resistance in Gaza has put the Palestinian nation in a path towards victory, he noted./end