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Mon, 02/25/2013 - 08:18
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President: Expansion Of Iran-Sudan Ties Will Benefit Both Sides

Tehran, Feb 25, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Sunday that consolidation of relations between Iran and Sudan would benefit their own nations and other countries. President Ahmadinejad told Sudanese presidentˈs special envoy Avaz Ahmad al-Jaz that both countries need to do important things in favor of both nations and other Islamic countries. ˈUnder present conditions of the world we should stand by each other more firmly than before.ˈ He hoped that through collective efforts, proper decisions would be made for expansion of bilateral relations. ˈWith the help of each other we can overcome current conditions imposed by enemies.ˈ Submitting the Sudanese presidentˈs message to President Ahmadinejad, the envoy said Iran-Sudan relations are based on Islamic bonds and the ties are distinctive from relations with other countries. He said the global arrogance has taken hostile actions against Islamic Ummah. ˈWe believe that Muslim Ummah can materialize their objectives through mutual cooperation,ˈ said the envoy, urging upgrading of mutual ties and cooperation in various fields of energy and agriculture./end