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Thu, 10/15/2015 - 15:11
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Putin calls US refusal to meet with Russian delegation unconstructive

ASTANA, October 15. /TASS/. The US decision not to receive a Russian delegation led by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is "unconstructive," Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday. "I believe this position is unconstructive. The weakness of this stance is based on the apparent lack of any agenda. It seems that there is nothing to talk about," the Russian leader said after talks with his Kazakhstani counterpart in Astana. Putin also said he could not understand why Washington criticizes Russia’s operation in Syria as it refuses to hold a direct dialogue itself. The Russian leader stressed that Russia "leaves the door open for" the discussion on Syria with all the parties concerned. Putin earlier said Moscow was ready to receive a US delegation of military experts and also send a Russian delegation to the US to discuss the issues of joint anti-terrorism fight and assistance in settling the Syrian crisis at the high level. The president said this could be a serious representative delegation of Russia headed by Medvedev and comprising military officials at the level of deputy chief of General Staff and representatives of special services. At first, Washington just said it could not send its delegation or receive a Russian delegation. Later, White House spokesman Josh Earnest explained the decision saying Russia was unwilling to make a constructive contribution to the fight against the Islamic State group. Moscow has its own agenda on countering this terrorist group, he said. Read more