ID :
Wed, 03/28/2012 - 08:45
Auther :

Renowned Indian Social Activist To Join 'Global March' To Jerusalem Tomorrow

New Delhi, March 28, IRNA -- Supporting the Palestinian cause, social activist Swami Agnivesh will be part of the 'Global March to Jerusalem' to uphold secularism in the region. 'We condemn the Zionist campaign of ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine including all ongoing policies intended to change the demographic and geographic situation in the city and aimed at its Judaisation,' he said here on Tuesday on the eve of the march, pti reported. Noted social workers like Medha Patkar, Desmond Tutu, journalist Seema Mustafa and several others are a part of this march. Agnivesh pointed out that Israeli policy is inconsistent with several United Nations resolutions on Jerusalem and contrary to the principles of international law. 'We are alarmed and deeply troubled by the continuing repression of Palestinians in Jerusalem and by the deliberate and systematic attempts to reduce the Christian and Muslim population of the city as part of the policy called 'Judaisation', which is being applied to every part of historic city,' Agnivesh said. 'The plan is not only to destroy the Muslim and Christian presence, but also to change and dismantle the social structure of Jerusalem, obliterating its indigenous Arab identity and changing the character of the city,' Agnivesh added. Magsaysay awardee Sandeep Pande, alleged that India's diplomatic relations with Israel and America have only been for exchange of defence machinery and that's the reason why India is not openly supporting the Palestinian cause./end