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Wed, 02/08/2017 - 09:44
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Rouhani: Nuclear negotiations exemplary of political solution

TEHRAN, Feb. 08 (MNA) – President Hassan Rouhani said Iran-5+1 negotiations has been a role model for all talks, including Astana talks to restore security and stability to the region. Mr. Rouhani made the remarks in a ceremony held on Tuesday to celebrate the 34th Book of the Year Award and the 24th World Award for Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Mr. Rouhani was upbeat to felicitate the arrival of the famous Fajr Ten-Day; “the Islamic Revolution is the triumph of logic, reasoning, pen and information with the leadership of Imam Khomeini (RA) against the imperialist powers armed with military and intelligence machinery as well as the vassal state they had established in Iran which turned out to be a despotic role by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi,” he told the meeting. “The key factors of success in nuclear talks,” President Rouhani said, “had been many; but the foremost contributing factor was Leader of Islamic Revolution's guidance and comments.” “Ayatollah Khamenei underlined during presidential elections in 2013 that voting was a civil duty and even those who does not believe in the Establishment should come to the polls for the sake of their country,” Rouhani said, “Leader also proposed ‘heroic leniency’ which helped us achieve success in nuclear negotiations.” Undoubtedly, Rouhani noted, the main factor in nuclear negotiations was Iranian nations’ votes and their massive turnout during presidential elections of June, 2013, which was in response to a call by the Leader. “Circles inside the country would oppose the idea of talking to world powers, because they believe hegemonic powers would deceive us; however, according to principles of foreign policy laid by Ayatollah Khamenei, we could proceed the talks according to three principles of dignity, wisdom, and expediency in such a successful way that President Trump of the US would be enraged by the deal and call it the worst [deal] in the history of America,” Rouhani emphasized. On recent talks between Syrian government and the opposition groups in Astana, Rouhani said the nuclear deal became almost a role model for similar negotiations in the world and led to the establishment of security and stability in the region. He described Iran-5+1 nuclear deal bearing a win-win outcome which favors all in the region and the world. “Had the Leader not proposed the idea of heroic leniency in the talks and encouraged people to vote in 2013 presidential elections, we would not have been able to succeed in hitting the deal,” Rouhani concluded.