ID :
Thu, 08/30/2012 - 10:25
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S. Leader Stresses Importance Of NAM Solidarity

Tehran, Aug 30, IRNA - The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei here on Thursday underlined the need for solidarity among all NAM member states. Addressing the inaugural session of the Non-Aligned Movement Summit, the Supreme Leader underscored the importance of NAM solidarity as an “obvious necessity” in the current era for establishing the new order. The Ayatollah said the policies of the Cold War era and the subsequent unilateralism have failed, stressing that a new order is taking shape throughout the world. “In the recent past, we have been witness to the failure of the policies of the Cold War era and the unilateralism that followed it. Having learned lessons from this historical experience, the world is in transition towards a new international order and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) can and should play a new role,” the Leader said. The Ayatollah added that the new world order should be based on the “participation of all nations and equal rights for all of them.” The Supreme Leader reiterated that the main NAM values such as anti-colonialism, political, economic and cultural independence, non-alignment with any power blocs, and improving solidarity and cooperation among the member states remain “alive and steady” after the passage of more than five decades. “The realities of today’s world fall short of those values, but the collective will and comprehensive efforts to change the existing realities and achieve these values, though full of challenges, are promising and rewarding,” Ayatollah Khamenei noted./end