ID :
Wed, 02/13/2013 - 08:01
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Salehi: Iran-Argentina Adhere To Agreement On AMIA Case

Moscow, Feb 13, IRNA – Foreign Minister, Ali-Akbar Salehi, says Iran and Argentina adhere to provisions of an agreement on AMIA case. ˈWe have signed an agreement with Argentina on settlement of Amia case and the two sides are committed to it,ˈ said Salehi to a question by IRNA at a press conference in Moscow. Salehi said 19 years passed since terrorist attack against Argentine Jewish center and that wide-scale efforts have been made to settle the case. He added, ˈTo settle the case we held meetings for two years with Argentine foreign minister (Hector Marcos Timerman). The contacts and meetings culminated by a 9-point agreement which focused on settlement of related problems. The agreement serves as basis for our entry to settlement of Amia case.ˈ The Islamic Republic of Iran condemned cold blood terrorist attack against Jewish center in Buenos Aires in 1994, killing 84 people. Iran says Tel Aviv operatives were involved in terror attack against Argentina aiming to wield influence over the then government of Buenos Aires. Israel in line with its enmity accused Iran of the attack. Salehi hoped that the truth in connection with AMIA case will come to light./end