ID :
Sat, 12/29/2012 - 09:17
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Sedition Of 2009 Presidential Election Outside Project: Sedighi

Tehran, Dec 29, IRNA – Sedition of 2009 presidential election was the result of an outside project, Tehran's Interim Friday Prayers Leader Hojjatoleslam Kazem Sedighi made the remarks, here in the second sermon of Friday prayers. 'Arrogant powers' leaders, including the US, France, and Germany leaders' support for the internal sedition was quite significant and many UK embassy staffs were observed in the protests,' he said. Hojjatoleslam Sedighi noted that the nation defeated the enemy plots by pouring into the streets in the 9th of Dey (December 30, 2009) in condemnation of the sedition and would do the same if faced with similar situations in the future. He called the nation's victories, including Iran's 1979 revolution, victory over arrogant powers in 8 years of the Iraqi imposed war against Tehran as well as defeating complicated seditions of 18th of Tir of 1378 (July 9, 1999) and 2009 presidential post election as 'miraculous' and results of God's help. Sedighi noted that the 'Qibla' (direction of Ka'ba) as well as Hajj pilgrimage are symbols of unity among Muslims around the world. On December 30, 2009, millions of people took to the streets of Tehran and other Iranian cities and towns to show their anger over sacrilegious acts committed on Ashura day (December 27, 2009) in the follow-up to the post-election unrest. The massive rallies against the seditious movements came to be known as the 9th of Day demonstrations because they took place on the ninth day of the Iranian calendar month of Day. In 2009, on Ashura day, which is the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS) and his 72 companions, protesters chanted slogans against top government officials. They clashed with the police and damaged public property. Some of them also committed acts that disrespected religious sanctity. It is said that the people’s demonstrations on December 30, 2009, which ended months of unrest, poured water on the fire./end