ID :
Tue, 11/05/2013 - 08:23
Auther :

S.Leader Remarks Show Iran Not To Relinquish Peaceful N-right: Analyst

Islamabad, Nov 5, IRNA -- A senior Pakistani analyst on Monday said statement of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatllah Seyyed Ali Khamenei that Iran is not to get hurt by negotiations shows that Iran will not relinquish its peaceful nuclear right. Talking to IRNA Lieutenant General (retd) Abdul Qayyum said that West must accept Iran’s peaceful nuclear right and stop putting unjustified pressure on the Islamic Republic. The ayatollah made the remarks on Sunday while addressing thousands of university and school students on the occasion of Aban 13 (November 4) which marks the National Day to Fight Global Arrogance. Abdul Qayyum expressing his views said that Iran is a peace lovingl country and has assured the world that they are not after making nuclear weapons. Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated that ˈnobody is entitled to term Iranian team of negotiators as compromisers as they are ˈour own children and are the offspring of the Islamic Revolution.ˈˈ “It would be better if these talks bear fruit otherwise we will have to mull our own problems in order to resolve them,” said Ayatollah Khamenei. Abdul Qayyum added that Iran is holding negotiations with West because they want to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Organization as far as their nuclear program is concerned. The analyst was of the opinion that sanctions must be lifted from the Islamic Republic and western countries must engage Iran in talks. The intellectual said that West must accept Iran’s peaceful nuclear right. “The pressure on Iran re-arguing their nuclear activities is unnecessary,” he said. Abdul Qayyum said that there must be same yardsticks for the ongoing nuclear programs in the world. “On one hand you allow Zionist Regime to develop military oriented nuclear program but on the other you stop Iran from developing peaceful nuclear technology, this is unfair,” he said. He said that US and other nuclear powers must destroy their nuclear weapons before pointing finger at nuclear programs of other states. He added that the Supreme Leader has rightly said that the US administration is a type of arrogant power that authorizes itself to interfere in domestic affairs of all nations. Revolutionary people in Iran will continue withstanding all bullying acts of the US, said Ayatollah Khamenei. Abdul Qayyum added that US develops relations with other states for its own interest. “Before the Islamic Revolution they had supported dictatorship in Iran but now they are against the democracy in the Islamic Republic which is great irony,” noted the intellectual. “They are against Islamic democracy in Iran because the Iranian government is not accepting American dictation,” said the analyst. Abdul Qayyum is a retired 3 star general of Pakistan Army. He appears frequently in television talk shows and is a well-known critic of American foreign policies pertaining to Pakistan./end