ID :
Wed, 12/07/2011 - 15:27
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Turkey's EU minister says Roj TV negatively affects relations with Denmark

COPENHAGEN (A.A) - December 7, 2011 - Turkey's European Union (EU) minister and chief negotiator said on Wednesday that Roj TV was the only issue negatively affecting relations with Denmark. Egemen Bagis said PKK was not only a terrorist organization but also an illicit drug trafficking gang which was poisoning European young people. "The only negative issue in our relations with Denmark is Roj TV, Bagis told Turkish reporters in Copenhagen. Bagis said time would show what kind of an attitude Denmark, which would take over the rotating presidency of the EU, would assume. Egemen Bagis said he had observed during his talks that Danish executives had perceived Turkey's contributions to the EU more this year when compared with the previous year. Bagis said the EU had yielded to spoilt stance of the Greek Cypriot administration, which had blocked opening accession talks with Turkey on energy chapter. Europe was not the only energy alternative for Turkey, but Turkey had different alternatives, Bagis also said. Earlier on Wednesday, Bagis met members of the European Affairs Committee of the Danish Parliament. Bagis is expected to return to Turkey in the evening.