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Mon, 05/10/2010 - 20:45
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ISTANBUL (A.A) - 10.05.2010 - Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said on Sunday that Turkey, Syria and Qatar condemned the statements aiming to escalate tension in the region.
Commenting on the tripartite summit of between delegations of Turkey, Syria and Qatar, Davutoglu said, "the three countries condemned the recent statements and efforts aiming to escalate tension in our region and once again felt the need to announce the international community that efforts to ensure compromise should be encouraged."
Davutoglu said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa al-Thani, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Qatari prime minister, foreign ministers and Iraqi President's Chief Advisor on Politics attended the summit.
"The participants exchanged views on some very fundamental regional matters. The three countries primarily reaffirmed their support to both restoration of a fair and permanent peace between Palestine and Israel based on related UN resolutions and establishment of an independent Palestinian state," he said.
"The participants considered the settlement policies of Israel which seriously hamper efforts for peace unacceptable and underlined that Israel should give up this policy. Similarly, the participants also reaffirmed their determination that activities impeding protection of historical and religious identity of East Jerusalem should be stopped," Davutoglu said.
"Separately, the leaders underlined that international community should not remain as spectator to ongoing tragedy in Gaza and that this tragedy should be ended soon," Davutoglu said and made a call to international community to step up efforts in this respect.
Davutoglu said Syria-Israel peace negotiations were discussed during the talks, adding that, "Syria once again reaffirmed its determination to resume indirect peace talks under the mediation of Turkey."
Davutoglu said Syria and Qatar expressed their support to the efforts carried out by Turkey on the matter, adding, "both two countries underlined their support to results of elections in Iraq and wished results of elections to bring peace and prosperity to friendly country Iraq. The two countries reaffirmed that everybody should respect to the results of elections".