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Sat, 07/05/2014 - 08:48
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Unity can resolve problems, Iranian president tells principlists

TEHRAN,July 5(MNA) – In a meeting with a number of principlist figures on Thursday, the centrist President Hassan Rouhnai said problems can be resolved through unity between different political groups. By presenting an analysis of the current situation in the country and the region, the president said it is necessary to identify and classify the country’s needs and problems and then join hands to resolve them with the aim of protecting the country’s “national interests”. “We should all join hands to resolve the problems which pose threat to the country and the system,” the president noted. “All groups and factions, and all people from different religions and ethnicities should be on the side of each other under one umbrella in order to resolve problems and confronting dangers.” The president went on to say that if all groups agree on a “roadmap” on how to resolve problems and counter threats by the enemies then many of the problems which are now seen as very big will become “less colorful” and interactions between rival groups will become easier. “As far it is possible differences should be decreased in the country, and hand in hand move [on the path] for protection of national interests and revolutionary values.” All should try to prevent “social divisions” based on the people’s ethnicity, religion or political affiliations, the president noted. To resolve great problems such as stagflation and unemployment it is necessary that all political factions, ethnic and religious groups to be involved, the president suggested, adding that “during the sacred defense years we witnessed the people of the country, regardless of their tendencies, religion, and political factions, sacrificed their lives in defending the Islamic Revolution and the borders of the country.” Rouhani also described stagflation, corruption, and unemployment as “great domestic enemies”. “We should not keep great domestic enemies such as stagflation, administrative corruption, and unemployment far from mind, because these enemies put pressure on people’s life and lead to social ills”. He added no political faction can remain safe from these problems. The president added that said his government is made up of all political factions and during his presidency there has been no difference among different groups in finding solution to major problems. Prior to the president’s remarks, some top principlist figures such as Gholam-Ali Hadad Adel, Mohammad-Hassan Aboutorabi-Farad, and Mohammad Nabi Habibi expressed their views. Hadad Adel, the chairman of the Majlis Cultural Committee and a former parliament speaker, praised the president’s moderate approach and said stability in the management system is a product of “real moderation”. He also thanked the government for involving people in managerial posts regardless of their political persuasions, saying it will help resolve problems. Aboutorabi-Fard, the parliament deputy speaker, also said unity strengthens the government’s hand in countering major powers in exercising its right to use nuclear energy for legitimate purposes. Female MP Leleh Eftekhari also called on the government to provide the necessary fund to realize the Supreme Leader’s decree in increasing birth rate. She also called for providing insurance for housewives. Mohammad Nabi Habibi, the chairman of the Islamic Coalition Party, also said criticisms by some people who are loyal to the system can help the government in settling domestic problems and dealing with the outside world.