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Sat, 11/21/2015 - 09:07
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Yemenis stage solidarity demonstration in London in support of Arab Coalition

LONDON, 21th November, 2015 (WAM) – Hundreds of Yemenis yesterday gathered around the Saudi Arabia Consulate General's compound in London to show their support and gratitude for the Saudi-led Arab Coalition to restore legitimacy in Yemen. Demonstrators held slogans of campaigns ''Thank you Emirates of benevolence'' and ''Thank you the Kingdom of Decisiveness" and raised pictures of the UAE and Saudi leaders and flags of the two countries. They also chanted slogans condemning acts of killing, destruction and terrorism committed by the Houthi militias and forces loyal to deposed president Ali Abdullah Saleh. Firas Al Yafea, head and coordinator of the two campaigns, said, "Had it not been for the generous support extended by Saudi Arabia and UAE, Governorate of Aden and other governorates could have not recovered from the unjust war waged by the rebel militias.'' ''The solidarity move demonstrates the gratitude of the people of Aden and southern Yemen to Saudi Arabia and UAE and their leaders. What these two countries provided to Yemen will be engraved in the memory of the Yemeni people,'' he added. Yemenis all over the world, he said, thanked the Arab Coalition for saving Yemen in the last moments and enabling it to return to the Arab fold. Fuawz Hanbla, Coordinator of the campaigns in Britain, said the gathering sent a message of thanks, gratitude and support to Arab Coalition for standing with Yemen. He announced that they planned to organise a mobile exhibition to inform people around the world and expose the brutal crimes perpetrated by the criminal Houthi militias. – Emirates News Agency, WAM -