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Mon, 02/04/2019 - 18:57
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Logo of 2019 Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in Baku approved

Baku, Azerbaijan, Feb. 4 Trend: The logo of the 2019 Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in Baku has been approved, Trend reports with reference to the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation. Baku in 2019 will become one of the central cities hosting the rhythmic gymnastics competition. Thus, this year the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation will hold three world cups, two European championships and one world championship. The main feature of the world cups in trampoline (February 16-17) and artistic gymnastics (March 14-17), as well as the world championship in rhythmic gymnastics (September 16-22) is that their winners will get a license for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. At the preparatory stage, which runs parallel to these tournaments, the logo of the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships has been approved. On the logo, where the grace of a woman is emphasized by the combination of purple, gold and red tones, ribbon was selected as the main tool. The elegance of the ribbon, which is one of the favorite apparatuses of a gymnast, is displayed on the logo with the most elegant details that will inspire gymnasts to conquer the world arena in this championship.