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Mon, 06/22/2015 - 14:17
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Scott Evans tipped for Badminton gold

Baku, June 22, AZERTAC Ireland's Scott Evans is seen as one of the favourites for gold in the men's singles Badminton tournament at the Baku 2015 Games. Only a few days ago, the 27-year-old from Dublin reached his highest world ranking at no.23, but it is widely agreed that there will be stiff competition for whoever eventually makes it to the final. "There are four or five men capable of taking the singles," said John Dibesen, Switzerland's head coach. "The favourite would be Scott Evans. Maybe Pablo Abian (of Spain), and perhaps Petr Koukal (of the Czech Republic)." Abian, 30, won the Spanish International at the end of May, but for the world no.47, surviving the group stage will be tough. According to experienced German coach Gunther Huber, who is in charge of the Bulgarian team: "Some of the groups are very hard. Take Pablo: if Dieter Domke (of Germany) is in shape, then he's capable of beating him. When we reach the round of eight, then we can really say who's the favourite for gold."